Area rugs for interior decor


Do you love your hard-wood floors but would like to dress up your living space?
Adding a splash of colour with an area rug can help you save money while giving your room the decor boost it needs, without the hassle of painting. It will add the comfort and warmth your room may be lacking and you can swap it for another one with the changing seasons. It is greatly sound absorbing and will protect floors from heavy traffic.

Adding an area rug to your living room can help you define the conversation area and give you and your guests something to talk about. Rugs come in so many colours and styles they are easy to match to existing fabrics and cushions bring the whole room together.
Experts generally agree that the front legs of your furniture should all be on the rug, this will define the space and will help bring the furniture together, even if you have pieces of different colours and styles.
In the dining room a rug will visually anchor the dining set and is as important as a light fixture to complete the decor. Pick a low profile rug in a stain resistant fiber. Make sure the rug exceeds the size of the table by 2 feet on all sides; this will allow dining chairs to remain on the rug when in use.

One of the most important places for a rug is in the bedroom. Don’t start your day with cold feet, make sure they are comforted. You should get a rug that is big enough to exceed the bed by about 2 feet on 3 sides. Another option for a bedroom is to place two separate runners on either side of the bed. This is the room where you can go full out texture.
Try a dense shaggy rug or a super silky viscose rug.
Our area rugs come in many different colours, patterns, fibers and can all be custom sized. You will be sure to find what you are looking for as we offer something for every budget and style!
iCustomRug Team

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